We Need Your Support

Great news for all Norton Residents!

After three years of work and overcoming many challenges, we have obtained the necessary planning permissions to adapt the former church into a fully-fledged community hub.

This means that our architect can complete the detailed project design work, the lease for the building can be signed, and we can apply for major grant funding to add to the £60,000 already raised.

But before taking these steps, we need to confirm that we have community support for the project which will provide a much-needed community base for the village as well as preserving the heritage of the former church.

We received significant community support three years ago for the initial plan. We now need your support again.
We cannot stress enough how vital it is to be able to demonstrate solid community support. This support is the key to opening the door to funding grants, and will provide the reassurance we need to sign the lease to acquire the building from the Church in Wales.

This project aims to make life better for Norton residents, but it cannot succeed without your help and support.

As a Norton resident you can confirm your support in a number of ways –

  • Volunteering for active involvement in the various activities related to planning and operating the hub.
  • Making a donation towards the fixed running costs of the building.
  • Become a Patron by completing the form below.

For more information on “What is a Patron?” See our Q & A section

Patron Application Form

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