Norton Community Trust
Newsletter No 26 – May 2024
Thank you to everyone who supported our Open Day
last month – what a great turn-out. And we’ve been overwhelmed by all the
suggestions for Hub activities. We’ve already started going through these
and hope to bring the first ones to fruition soon, including a book club, craft
sessions, mums and tots club, and keep fit/yoga. Of course we’re relying
on you the residents to support and help run these sorts of things, so please
get in touch if you would be interested in attending and/or helping with any of
Since the Open Day the long-awaited connection of
the foul water services and the restoration of the path are now complete, and
the final Building Control inspection has taken place. We’re so delighted
Hub activities can now commence!
The first of these events is our Table Sale on Bank Holiday Monday 6th May, 10am to 4pm. Please do come along and support this
fundraiser. There will be plants, cakes, crafts, jams, some great quality
“new to you” items, as well as a top quality raffle and refreshments – and
entry is FREE!
Over the summer and autumn we have a wide variety
of special events being planned – details about these are on our website
We will also be getting a regular coffee morning and lunch club going and
possibly some “pub evenings”. We’d really like to have a special place at
these for some memorabilia which focus on Norton and particularly the former
church building which holds special memories for many residents. We’re
considering a display and perhaps a “memory box”. If you have any
material – photos, postcards, memoirs, items, etc etc – that you’d be willing
to share (or lend so we can copy) please do get in touch and we can discuss how
best we could use them.
Please do consider the Hub for your private
parties, meetings and activities, and also spread the word further
afield. Details of facilities and charges are all on the website.
Now that the Hub is really up and running, we would
love to welcome some new volunteers – the type of help needed really is
unlimited. Our volunteer co-ordinator is Dave Rowing and he’d love to
hear from you –